Thursday, May 19, 2011

Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. Last weekend the staff went on a camping trip to Worthington State Park. It’s up in north Jersey. It was a great trip. We went hiking on Saturday which was an amazing hike. It was hard, but so well worth it in the end. There was this waterfall and some of our group went swimming and we just hung out there for like an hour. It was beautiful and made the hike well worth it.

On Monday I was able to get into the maintenance office to clean and organize it all. If you had seen it before, it was a disaster. But I spent the day going through files and cleaning the office and organizing tools and such into cabinets. It was great. Haha I love doing that!

This week we’ve been getting ready for the Open House on Saturday. I spent Tuesday cleaning the snack shop. I guess some animals got into it over the winter and it was a disaster. But it’s beautiful now. J

Things are crazy around here, but I’m enjoying it a lot. In the long run I think this is what I want to be doing, not necessarily at camp, though it would be fun. I love the atmosphere, and for some people, it’s not their thing, but personally, I love it right now. And I love to go back to my cabin and clean and relax. My job doesn’t even seem like a job. God’s been so good to give me this opportunity!


  1. I'm so happy that God has given you this direction to do something that you enjoy so much! I'll be praying that you love it even if you get some days that are not so enjoyable and easy---that's the true test of your calling at that point!! :o) Thanks for writing!

  2. Thanks for keeping the blog updated...I love seeing what you're up to. I love and miss you.
